Thursday, February 5, 2009

David Swanson nails it--as usual!

David Swanson is a good friend of mine, and his excellent piece for the American Chronicle hits the nail on the head regarding the need to cut the military budget in a serious way. Here's the link:
David not only raises the cuts that we need in the usual wasteful weapons programs like the Joint Strike Fighter, the Osprey, the Navy destroyer, the Future Combat System, etc., he points out that the military budget should be cut in areas that are often soft-pedaled, even by reformers, such as our nearly one thousand overseas bases, our torture and spying systems, missile defense, the militarization of space, the new Northern Command and Africom, and, of course, the occupation of Iraq and the growing quagmire in Afghanistan.
I particularly enjoyed this paragraph: "Well, for fiscal year 2009, we're looking at $653 billion for the Pentagon, plus $162 billion in supplemental spending for Iraq and Afghanistan. A quarter of $815 billion is $203.75 billion. Anyone who couldn't figure out where to cut $203.75 billion from the military and wars is probably a danger to themselves and others."

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