Thursday, January 29, 2009

Sturm und Drang on the F35

Interesting HuffPost by Frankie Sturm, who works at the Truman National Security Project.
A key point by Sturm is this: "...a break from the past could do our future some good. Our military isn't suffering from a lack of defense spending. It's suffering from a lack of smart spending."
He offers up the F35 Joint Strike Fighter as a prime example, noting that the JSF is "...the most expensive aircraft program in DoD history, yet it has neither the flight range to accomplish likely missions nor is it necessary for fighting irregular wars, such as those in Iraq and Afghanistan."
Sturm is more conciliatory than I would be, calling for a "scaling back" of the F35, where I would call for dropping the whole deal. But even the scaling back, Sturm notes, could "free up billions of dollars" for the new Administration...Yes, it could.

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